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❶ 關於童裝的英文詞彙

西裝 Western-style clothes/tailored suit/suit
男裝 men's wear; men's suit
男童裝 boy's clothes
西裝上衣 upper garment; jacket/top coat/blouse/blouson
中西式上衣Chinese and western style blouse

中山裝上衣 Zhongshan coat/Chinese style jacket/Sun-Yat-Sen style jacket
男式短上衣 mannish jacket
男便裝上衣 sack coat
男緊身上衣 doublet
短西裝上衣 minisuit
輕便型上衣/運動上衣 sports coat
運動短上衣 stadium jumper
雙排扣短上衣 spencer croise (法)
V領套頭上衣 pull en V (法)
風帽上衣 hood jacket; anorak
套頭寬上衣 pull blouson
緊身短上衣 tunic/coatee
超短上衣 minicoat
春秋衫 spring and autumn coat
罩衫 smock/blouse
茄克衫 jacket/blouson

襯衫 shirt/blouse
男襯衫 shirt/chemise(法)
男用外襯衫 liquette(法)
美式男用襯衫 chemise American (法)
禮服襯衫 dress shirt
休閑襯衫 leisure shirt
牛仔襯衫 cowboy shirt
套頭襯衫 pullover shirt

背心/馬甲 vest/waistcoat
禮服背心 dress/evening vest
西服背心 waistcoat/vest/weskit
戶外背心 outer vest
運動背心 sport/gym vest
牛仔背心 cowboy vest
單襟背心 single-breasted vest
兩扣背心 two-button waistcoat
緊身背心 doublet/weskit
長褲 trousers/pants/slacks/pegs/pantalon(法)bags(英口語)

西裝長褲 trousers
英式長褲 British trousers
高爾夫長褲 golf jupon
禮服褲 dress slacks//court breeches
禮服條紋褲 striped trousers
直筒褲 straight trousers; stem-pipe pants; cigarette pants; straight-leg slacks
牛仔褲 jeans
西裝短褲 shorts
沙灘短褲 beach shorts
運動短褲 trunks; sports shorts; gym shorts
拳擊短褲 boxer shorts/trunks
沖浪短褲 jams; surfer』s shorts
散步短褲 walking shorts
寬松短褲 baggys

男套裝 men』s suit;tailleur masculin(法)
男式長服 lounge/business suit
西裝式套裝 tailored suit
正統男西裝 classic suit
普通西裝 lounge/sack suit
古典西裝 classic model suit
義大利歐式西裝 Italian continental suit
英式西裝 British-style suit
日常套裝 afternoon suit
簡便套裝 easy/casual/leisure suit; leisure suit;
運動套裝 sweat/jogging suit; gym outfit

登山服 mountaineering suit
滑雪服 ski suit
戶外活動套裝 blazer suit
男海灘裝 cabana set
燕尾服 swallow-tailed coat; swallowtail; evening dress

內褲 pants/underpants; under drawers
三角褲 briefs; short pants; undershorts

❷ 誰能幫我翻譯一下

Sears offering clothes coupons at Dominick's

BY SANDRA GUY Business Reporter
商業記者 Sandra Guy

Sears Roebuck and Co. is trying a new tack in turning around its dismal apparel sales -- it's offering coupons to Dominick's grocery shoppers.
西爾斯Roebuck and Co(公司名)為扭轉其服裝滯銷的局面,嘗試一種新型的促銷模式,他們向所有在多米尼克食品店消費的顧客提供服裝優惠券.

The promotion, touted in new advertisements in broadcast and print media as "Pack a Lunch -- Save a Bunch," ties shopping for kids' back-to-school lunches with shopping for back-to-school clothes.

It's the first time that Dominick's has engineered such an extensive cross-promotion with an apparel retailer.

"It's being innovative and timely," said Laura McKeough, corporate brands manager for Oak Brook-based Dominick's.
多米尼克食品店的橡樹溪(oak brook)品牌的經理Laura MC. Keough說:」這是一次很及時的革新.」

Lee Antonio, spokeswoman for Hoffman Estates-based Sears, said Sears and Dominick's share many of the same customers, and the promotion takes advantage of the demographic overlap.

Shoppers who use Dominick's Fresh Values loyalty card can win a coupon for $5 off a purchase of $15 or more of men's, women's and children's clothing at Sears. Only one $5-off coupon may be used at a time when a shopper purchases apparel at Sears. (Shoes are excluded from the promotion.)
凡是在多米尼克店擁有」新價值會員卡」(」Fresh Values Loyalty」 )的顧客都可獲贈價值為5美金的優惠券,可以在西爾斯購買十五美金以上的服裝(包括男裝,女裝和童裝).而5美金的優惠券只可使用一次(鞋不在促銷范圍內).

Dominick's shoppers must accumulate $25 worth of purchases of the grocery store's "selected lunch favorites" to get the Sears coupon.
顧客必須在多米尼克食品店的」指定推廣午餐」 (selected lunch favorites)中消費累積滿25美金,方可獲得西爾斯的優惠券.

Lists of the lunch favorites can be found in Dominick's stores as part of a 6-foot-tall display designed to look like a pair of blue jeans. Signs on store shelves also identify the procts shoppers must buy to win the coupon. Examples include Dominick's peanut butter, fruit snacks and proce-stand baby carrots.

The promotion started Tuesday at Dominick's and applies to purchases made between Tuesday and Oct. 2. The coupons can be redeemed at a Sears store until Oct. 23.

Sears is desperately working to turn around its apparel sales after the retailer lowered forecasts for the third quarter and the full year based on its poor first-half performance. Sears' mistake earlier in the year of ordering too little apparel continues to haunt the retailer, as does repeated rejiggering of store merchandise.

For the fall season, Sears is remaking its children's apparel department, adding color so shoppers can quickly spot pink signs for girls' clothes, blue for boys, and yellow for babies. The children's department also will feature new signs to direct shoppers.

In the men's department, Sears will introce in selected stores new casual brands from Azucar Bella, Harve Bernard and Russell Kemp, all aimed at Latinos and African Americans. Sears also is repositioning its Lands' End brand after it failed to catch on in multicultural urban areas.
針對拉丁美洲人和美籍非洲人,西爾斯在男裝部引進了Azucar Bella, Harve Bernard 和Russell Kemp等新的休閑裝品牌.在對城市地區多元文化結合的嘗試失敗後,西爾斯相應地對其Lands' End品牌戰略進行了重新定位.

❸ 歐洲服飾的名稱及樣式









服裝上的分割線、裝飾線多採用縱向的、垂直的線條。13— 15世紀歐洲服裝中歌特風格最為流行。那尖尖的埃寧帽就像一個小尖塔,還有兩個褲腿顏色各異的緊身褲,尖尖的翹頭鞋,飾以不對稱圖案的上衣等。





〔中山服領 zhongshan coat collar〕由底領和翻領組成,領角呈外八字形。

〔尖領 pointed collar, peaked collar〕領角呈尖角形的領型,也叫尖角領。

〔襯衫領 shirt collar〕或襯衣領,由上領和下領組成,是襯衫專有的領型。

〔圓領 round collar〕指領角呈圓形的領型,也叫圓角領。

〔青果領 shawl collar〕是翻駁領的一種變形,領面形似青果形狀的領型。


〔燕子領 swallow collar, wing collar〕領面下止口的兩條線形,似燕子飛翔時翅膀張開的形狀。

〔兩用領 convertible collar〕也叫開關領。指可敞開、可關閉的領型。



歐洲服裝 - 10 世紀




至12 世紀寬松的衣服變得瘦窄,使身體曲線得以突出。並於身後系帶,衣袖逐漸寬大,袖口可垂至膝部。

歐洲服裝 - 12 世紀



歐洲服裝 - 13 世紀




13 世紀勞動者的長衫長短不等。男子上衣至膝,衣袖短小,腳下有無跟鞋,褲子於腳跟處有一圓洞,以便穿脫。夏天穿寬敞麻褲,上身裸露,


歐洲服裝 - 14、15 世紀





14 世紀男士的夾衣流行,夾衣兩層,十分貼身,衣袖設計合理,可以自由活動手臂,便於全身活動。

夾衣上有十幾個扣子,夾衣襯里有細帶可將瘦腿褲上端與之相連接;緊身外衣穿在夾衣之外,高領外衣興起於14 世紀末;衣領將兩耳覆蓋,頸後衣領蓋過後腦。


由一塊布作成,領口寬,衣領偏低,這就是14 世紀歐洲婦女流行的袒領衫,領口有圓形、角形、方形,領口開得很大,露出胸的上半部,上身有無袖、短袖的,臂膀裸露,腰帶提得很高。

❹ 服裝的名稱 英語

clothes 衣服,服裝
wardrobe 服裝
clothing 服裝
habit 個人依習慣.身份而著的服裝
ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes 成衣
garments 外衣
town clothes 外衣
double-breasted suit 雙排扣外衣
suit 男外衣
dress 女服
tailored suit 女式西服
everyday clothes 便服
three-piece suit 三件套
trousseau 嫁妝
layette 嬰兒的全套服裝
uniform 制服
overalls 工裝褲
rompers 連背心的背帶褲
formal dress 禮服
tailcoat, morning coat 大禮服
evening dress 夜禮服
dress coat, tails 燕尾服,禮服
nightshirt 男式晚禮服
dinner jacket 無尾禮服 (美作:tuxedo)
full dress uniform 禮服制服
frock coat 雙排扣長禮服
gown, robe 禮袍
tunic 長袍
overcoat 男式大衣
coat 女大衣
topcoat 夾大衣
fur coat 皮大衣
three-quarter coat 中長大衣
st coat 風衣
mantle, cloak 斗篷
poncho 篷卻(南美人的一種斗篷)
sheepskin jacket 羊皮夾克
pelisse 皮上衣
jacket 短外衣夾克
anorak, ffle coat 帶兜帽的夾克,帶風帽的粗呢大衣
hood 風帽
scarf, muffler 圍巾
shawl 大披巾
knitted shawl 頭巾,編織的頭巾
fur stole 毛皮長圍巾
muff 皮手筒
housecoat, dressing gown 晨衣 (美作:ster)
short dressing gown 短晨衣
bathrobe 浴衣
nightgown, nightdress 女睡衣
pyjamas 睡衣褲 (美作:pajamas)
pocket 衣袋
lapel (上衣)翻領
detachable collar 假領,活領
wing collar 硬翻領,上漿翻領
V-neck V型領
sleeve 袖子
cuff 袖口
buttonhole 鈕扣孔
shirt 襯衫
blouse 緊身女衫
T-shirt 短袖圓領衫,體恤衫
vest 汗衫 (美作:undershirt)
polo shirt 球衣
middy blouse 水手衫
sweater 運動衫
short-sleeved sweater 短袖運動衫
roll-neck sweater 高翻領運動衫
round-neck sweater 圓領運動衫
suit, outfit, ensemble 套服
twinset 兩件套,運動衫褲
jerkin 獵裝
kimono 和服
ulster 一種長而寬松的外套
jellaba, djellaba, jelab 帶風帽的外衣
cardigan 開襟毛衣
mac, mackintosh, raincoat 橡膠雨衣
trousers 褲子
jeans 牛仔褲
short trousers 短褲
knickers 兒童燈籠短褲
knickerbockers 燈籠褲
plus fours 高爾夫球褲,半長褲
braces 褲子背帶 (美作:suspenders)
turnup 褲角折邊,挽腳
breeches 馬褲
belt 褲帶
skirt 裙子
divided skirt, split skirt 裙褲
underskirt 內衣
underwear, underclothes 內衣褲
underpants, pants 內衣褲 (美作:shorts)
briefs 短內褲,三角褲
panties 女短內褲
knickers 女半短內褲,男用燈籠短褲
brassiere, bra 乳罩
corselet 緊身胸衣
stays, corset 束腰,胸衣
waistcoat 背心
slip, petticoat 襯裙
girdle 腰帶
stockings 長襪
suspenders 襪帶 (美作:garters)
suspender belt 吊襪腰帶 (美作:garter belt)
socks 短襪
tights, leotard 緊身衣褲
handkerchief 手帕
bathing trunks 游泳褲
bathing costume,msuit, bathing suit 游泳衣
bikini 比基尼泳衣
apron 圍裙
pinafore (帶護胸)圍裙
shoe 鞋
sole 鞋底
heel 鞋後跟
lace 鞋帶
moccasin 鹿皮鞋
patent leather shoes 黑漆皮鞋
boot 靴子
slippers 便鞋
sandal 涼鞋
canvas shoes, rope soled shoes 帆布鞋
clog 木拖鞋
galosh, overshoe 套鞋
glove 手套
tie 領帶 (美作:necktie)
bow tie 蝶形領帶
cravat 領巾
cap 便帽
hat 帶沿的帽子
bowler hat 圓頂硬禮帽
top hat 高頂絲質禮帽
Panama hat 巴拿馬草帽
beret 貝蕾帽
peaked cap, cap with a visor 尖頂帽
broad-brimmed straw hat 寬邊草帽
headdress 頭飾
turban 頭巾
natural fabric 天然纖維
cotton 棉
silk 絲
wool 毛料
linen 麻
synthetic fabric 混合纖維
acryl 壓克力
polyester 伸縮尼龍
nylon 尼龍
worsted 呢料
cashmere 羊毛
patterns 花樣
tartan plaid 格子花 (美作:tartan)
dot 圓點花
stripe 條紋
flower pattern 花紋花樣
veil 面紗

❺ 那位英語好的好心人幫我翻譯一下這段話,跪謝啊,急!

"Punk" translation from Punk, born in the mid - seventy - New York, was the people called for a rock band, is also the original rock, the release of it the pursuit of indiviality and self.And punk clothes is followed the punk music proces a kind of costume culture, there's a certain rebel thoughts.This topic from the origin and development of punk wind and related background knowledge, understand the characteristics of the punk wind clothing and design elements, to study the effect of punk wind of modern clothing and and make use of case analysis;Grasp the popular trend of children's clothing design and design elements, and finally combines the punk wind and children's clothing design, the study of ideas embodied in the punk elements in children's wear.Series garment "of cool boy" is through the rivet sequins element combination, break the conventional design method of rivet sequins, reference rivet sequins in alt clothing decoration position and area ratio, using the sequins color, the size of the rivet shape material changes, such as fusion other punk series of children's clothing creative design elements, creating a sprout and cool series of children's clothes.

❻ 童裝衣服尺碼22是屬於s還是m還是l







是以人體的胸圍與腰圍的差數為依據來劃分體型,並將體型分為四類,分別為Y、A、B、C型。Y:表示胸圍與腰圍的差數為19cm~24cm之間 A:表示胸圍與腰圍的差數為14cm~18cm之間 B:表示胸圍與腰圍的差數為9cm~13cm之間 C:表示胸圍與腰圍的差數為4cm~8cm之間



系列如下: XS S M L XL

上衣型號 150/76A 155/80A 160/84A 165/88A 170/92A

裙/褲號型 150/58A 155/62A 160/66A 165/70A 170/74A



1、胸 Bust/Chest:經胸部的最高點作胸部的水平線,其周長即為胸圍。

2、腰 W aist:在身軀的最狹窄處,作腰部的自然水平線,其周長即為腰圍。

3、肩 Shoulder:肩點到肩點的長度即為肩寬。

4、臀 Hip:在臀部最寬處,作其水平線,其周長稱為臀圍,也稱坐圍。

5、膝 Knee:越過膝內側和膝蓋的水平線。

6、前(頸)領中 C.F.Neck(CenterFrontNeck)。

7、後(頸)領中:C.B.Neck(CenterBack Neck)。

8、肩高點 H .P.S.(High PointofShould)。

❼ 中國的潮牌有很多,哪些潮牌值關注

中國值得關注的潮牌有:CLOT、Hi Panda、ENSHOWDER 隱蔽者、李寧等。潮牌一般是指有自己獨特風格的品牌設計,一般是指獨特的鞋、服裝、褲子等品牌。我必須提一下陳冠希先生領導的大眾偶像流行標志CLOT。很多優秀的國產品牌抓住了這個機遇,用原創張揚的設計和獨特的思想成功建立起了自己的潮流品牌。


❽ 請問在雲南哪裡有外貿童裝批發市場

你可以來新螺螄灣看看,我們專批外貿童裝,地址,新螺螄灣國際商貿城2樓4街F2-147 0871-4272147

❾ ABC童裝童鞋廣告歌曲中《world of colour》的歌詞是什麼

Open your eyes, what do you find A world of colour of every kind
The sky is blue the trees are green
A rainbow brighter then you've ever seen

Butterflies of green and orange,
Blue, brown and red
Fluttering up in the sky up above our head

Open your eyes, what do you find
A world of colour of every kind
The sun is golen the moon is white
Bright colours shining right through the day and night

Shimmering streams of blue water
Fish of golden green
Swimming fast under a bridge
Just below our feet

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